Write Here, Write Now

March 25, 2024

Happy Monday everyone! There is lots going on in the Cleveland Product scene, so let’s get to it!

Article of the Week

We Product people have to write a lot. We have to create Product briefs and Product strategy. We have to create roadmap items and business cases. We have to write requirements and user stories. We may have to write marketing content for our products. But how to do we know we’re effectively communicating? I’ve asked this question of myself, ever since I’ve started writing this newsletter two years ago.

I read an article by Semrush that helped me understand how best to write in a concise and effective way. Here are my takeaways:

  1. Consider Your Audience - We Product people have a bunch of different stakeholders, and each audience is different. And we often have to communicate very technical aspects, tough decisions, or complex dependencies. So remember your audience and what they want and need to hear, and tailor your communication to suit them.

  2. Use Active Voice - This is more of a tactical aspect, but be action-oriented in your communication. Not only is it more accurate, but it is more concise, clearer, and much easier to read.

  3. Proofread Your Work - It’s amazing how many mistakes or inefficiencies I find in my work every time I review it. Capture your thoughts, put it down, let it marinate, then pick it back up again. You will quickly find a mistake to correct or a better way to phrase something. Leave time for editing and proofreading, even ask for help from a friend or colleague, or use some online proofreading tools.

As I’ve talked about in this newsletter before, writing and storytelling is an important part of our role as Product people. Don’t shortchange the importance of this skill, because it helps you get things done. Read on to learn more!

Product Jobs of the Week

The Product roles at Cleveland companies keep rolling in!

Upcoming Events

  • April 10th - AMA with Lisa Schneider - Go To Market

About the Author

My name is Shawn Leitner. I started the Cleveland Product networking group in 2017, which helps to connect Product professionals around Cleveland, providing them with a forum to network, learn, and share stories. For my day job, I'm a Product Consultant & Coach for Pathfinder Product and help clients implement strong Product practices so they can create products that their teams love building and their customers love using. Connect with me on LinkedIn or feel free to attend one of my events either virtually or in-person. Always up for meeting for a cup of coffee also!