Create a Unique Brand

April 3, 2023

Happy Monday everyone! There is a lot going on in the Cleveland Product scene, so let’s get to it!

Article of the Week

You have a great product, but it's underperforming. Or you have an idea of a new product but can't figure out what to call it. Branding is a key component to building products, and having the right brand can be the key to success. But what does it take to create an amazing and recognizable brand? It needs to communicate the value to your customer, why it's unique, and what problem it actually solves for your customer. Don't let your competition tell a better story than you.

Learn more about product branding in this article from Meltwater.

Recent Events

I had a great conversation about intellectual property with three Product leaders last week. We discussed how to determine what IP to protect, the timing of protecting your ideas, how to disclose - and not to disclose - your ideas, and a case study in the nuances of protecting custom-built software. Thanks to Shannon McCue of CueCards Legal, Kendra Gardiner of UH Ventures, and Paul Reeder of The Ohio State University for the conversation!

Missed it? You can watch it below on OhioX's YouTube channel.

Product Jobs of the Week

The Product roles at Cleveland companies keep rolling in!

Upcoming Events

  • April 19th - Social event with our friends at UX Akron and Cleveland Accessibility

  • April 27th - Product Lean Coffee

About the Author

My name is Shawn Leitner. I started the Cleveland Product networking group in 2017, which helps to connect Product professionals around Cleveland, providing them with a forum to network, learn, and share stories. For my day job, I'm a Product Consultant & Coach for Pathfinder Product and help clients implement strong Product practices so they can create products that their teams love building and their customers love using. Connect with me on LinkedIn or feel free to attend one of my events either virtually or in-person. Always up for meeting for a cup of coffee also!